Asean Environmental Agreements

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The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been at the forefront of environmental conservation efforts for the past few decades. With the region`s vast biodiversity and rich natural resources, it is no surprise that ASEAN member states have been actively working towards the preservation and sustainable use of these resources.

ASEAN Environmental Agreements

To address the pressing environmental issues in the region, ASEAN has signed several environmental agreements. These agreements are designed to promote cooperation and coordination among member states in addressing transboundary environmental issues that affect the region.

The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

One of the most well-known environmental agreements of ASEAN is the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. This agreement was signed in 2002 to address the recurring transboundary haze pollution in the region caused by land and forest fires in Indonesia.

Under this agreement, ASEAN member states are committed to preventing, monitoring, and controlling transboundary haze pollution. The agreement also provides a framework for cooperation among member states in responding to haze pollution and in providing assistance to affected countries.

The ASEAN Biodiversity Agreement

The ASEAN Biodiversity Agreement was signed in 2010 to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the region`s rich biodiversity. This agreement recognizes the importance of biodiversity to the region`s economic, social, and cultural development.

Under this agreement, ASEAN member states are committed to conserving and managing biodiversity in the region through the adoption of appropriate policies, strategies, and measures. The agreement also promotes the equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biodiversity resources.

The ASEAN Agreement on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

The ASEAN Agreement on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources was signed in 1985 to promote the conservation, management, and sustainable use of the region`s natural resources. This agreement focuses on the protection of natural areas, the preservation of biological diversity, and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Under this agreement, ASEAN member states are committed to promoting the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources through the adoption of appropriate policies, strategies, and measures. The agreement also provides a framework for cooperation among member states in addressing environmental issues that affect the region.


The ASEAN environmental agreements demonstrate the region`s commitment to preserving and protecting its natural resources. These agreements provide a framework for cooperation among member states in addressing transboundary environmental issues that affect the region.

As the region continues to face environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, ASEAN member states must work together to implement the provisions of these agreements and ensure a sustainable future for the region.

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